CHRIS YAVELOW has worked in every aspect of the book business and has more than a dozen books to his credit. After his Music and Sound Bible received the Computer Press Association’s “Best Advanced How-To Book” award, he spent 5 years as series editor for A-R Editions’ Digital Audio Series. Since 2000, he has been developing an unprecedented software tool for authors: In 2007, he launched YAV Publications, an author-friendly, digital publishing company with extremely high standards. He teaches online for the University of Maryland University College where he is a Full Professor. His courses are "Music as Cultural Expression" and "Digital Media." The latter, for graphic design majors, includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and web tools leading to the design of both a print catalog and a web-based portfolio. He and his wife are longtime avid hikers with a focus on the Camino de Santiago in Spain, which they hiked for the first time in 2012.